Ministry of Music

“Among the many signs and symbols used by the Church to celebrate its faith, music is of preeminent importance. As sacred song united to words, it forms a necessary and integral part of the solemn liturgy. Music should assist the believers to express and share the gift of faith that is within them and to nourish and strengthen their interior commitment of faith.” —Music in Catholic Worship, 1972

The Music Ministry of St. Joseph Parish takes the words of this post-Vatican II document to heart. The music of the liturgy helps the Assembly lift its collective heart and mind to the worship of God. The role of music ministry is to lead the faithful in active participation by assisting the community in singing its song of praise to God and offering the type of inspiration that only music has the power to achieve. Below are some opportunities. Please call the Office at (419) 447-5848 for more information.


Cantors are singers who lead the Assembly in sung prayer and specialize in singing the Responsorial Psalm. Commitment, vocal skill, liturgical sensitivity, and a welcoming personality are desirable traits in a cantor.


We have a Choir leading the music at the 9:30 Sunday Mass and special feasts of the Church year from September to June.