News & Events
News from the Parish
2025 Catholic Calendars
The new Catholic Calendars have arrived and are available on the bulletin stands in church. Feel welcome to take one or more for your home or to share with family members or friends.
Many thanks to Hoffmann-Gottfried-Mack Funeral Home and Crematory, Seislove’s Burial Vault Company, and Traunero Funeral Home and Crematory for sponsoring our calendars once again this year!
Winter Weather Policy
Regularly scheduled Masses will not be cancelled due to winter weather conditions, but in case of a snow emergency, when advised to stay off of the roads, the obligation to attend Mass is dispensed.
Christmas Parish Office Hours
The parish office will be closed from Monday, December 23 through Friday, December 3 for the Christmas and New Year holidays.
Funeral Luncheon Ministry
Volunteers for December include: Debbie Hoepf, Steve & Kayleen Hoover, Martha Reedy, Paul Rohrbach and Sue Shelt. If you are interested in helping with this rewarding ministry, please call Cathe Hammer.
Need a ride?
We are looking into reinstating the NCAT (formerly SCAT) service to the 4:30 PM Mass on Saturdays. If you or someone you know needs a ride to church, please call the Parish Office to add the names to a list. We are researching various options and need to know what the interest level is. A small fee may be charged for this service.
Read our Weekly Bulletin
Read our Quarterly Intercom
Have Questions? Contact Us!
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