Pastoral & Finance Councils
Parish Finance Council meets to discuss the financial position of the church. They evaluate and approve maintenance programs, updates to the church, allocations for the needy, and many other topics that affect the well-being of the church.
Mike Klepper, Chairman
Brad Radison, Vice-Chairman
Austin Schultz, Secretary
Ellen Beckley
John W. Bremyer
Heidi Brodman
Dan Frank
Beth Marben
Joanna Spaun
Pastoral Council assist the pastor in caring for the spiritual needs of the parish, including planning Parish Missions, scheduling education and enrichment opportunities, and other parish events.
Tom Lasky, President
Cathe Hammer
Patrick Hanna
Aaron Hess
Mary Leibengood
Kevin Mack
Katie Perry
Jane Weber
Deacon David Mileski
Maintenance Committee is a sub-committee of the Parish Finance Council. They are responsible for reviewing and prioritizing maintenance issues of the church and school buildings and property. They make plans for repairs or services, seek bids and make recommendations to the Finance Council.
Jim Perry
Roger Perry
Eric Uhlenhake
Mark Zimmerman
Matt Kennedy, Parish Finance Council Liaison
Mark DeBarbrie, Parish Maintenance Manager
The St. Joseph Cemetery Board sets cemetery rules and regulations that provide a sense of order and consistence that reflect Catholic teachings and beliefs. St. Joseph Cemetery Board is responsible for platting, grading, improving and maintaining St. Joseph Cemetery. They also review Cemetery finances, set prices and oversee burial records.
Annette Gassner, President
Bill Kraut, Secretary
Jim Ferstler
Bob Funkhauser
Mary Hay
Judy Kisaberth
Vickie Lauer
Kris Wise, Cemetery Business Manager
Mike Somers, Cemetery Sexton
Rev. Anthony Coci, Pastor